カンティンは、外部プロバイダーの Kreol Kitchen によって運営されています。5年以上となる Kreol Kitchen のカンティンサービスは、すべての児童生徒やスタッフに幅広い選択肢のある飲み物や手作りのランチやスナックを提供しています。カンティンは保護者の方々にもご利用いただけます。
バリのカンティン・チームは、エクスパットのアニック (Annick LeBasse) を筆頭に5名のフルタイム従業員で構成されています。バリでカフェを運営するアニックは、幅広いケータリング経験者です。パック (Pak Ketut) はシェフ経験の長いヘッドクックで、Pak Aan と Ibu Kartini が調理をサポートします。飲み物担当は Pak Nano、レジ係を Pak Ricky が担当しています。
良質な原材料と多様なメニュー内容から考慮すると、比較的競争価格で設定されています:スナックアイテムは Rp.15,000~30,000、ランチ等食事アイテムは Rp.15,000~50,000 となっています。
バスサービスは、片道のみ、または往復から選択することができます。料金は、エリアと利用サービスによって異なります。料金については してください。
The safety of your child and the security of our campuses is of utmost importance to AIS. Consequently all the school campus grounds and the exit / entry procedures have been carefully planned with your child’s safety in mind and are continuously monitored.
All parents, staff and other authorized people are issued photo identity badges which need to be scanned at the entry point
No person is allowed access to any child without prior written consent/ notification by the authorized care giver/parent.
We have procedures in place to maximize the safety of our children when toileting and changing after Physical Education and Swimming activities.
CCTV surveillance is used at all locations deemed to require extra supervision, including school buses.
At AIS we are highly conscious of the requirement for a child safety program for all class levels which helps students become aware of potential dangers and protective strategies and support.
Our intensive Child Safe course therefore aims at encouraging children to identify unsafe situations or potentially unsafe situations and to develop practical strategies to preserve their physical and emotional safety.
The program is based on two major premises:
1. We all have the right to feel safe all the time.
2. Nothing is so awful that we can't talk with someone about it.
There are two corresponding core concepts:
Early Warning Signs
Children are encouraged to recognise their feelings of safety in different situations. When we feel unsafe, our bodies tell us through physical sensations that something is wrong.
Children are encouraged to develop a ‘Safety Network’ of trusted adults who will listen to them, believe them and help them if they need help. Networks of trusted people should be people children can talk to about all things, whether they are good or of a concern to them. In a personal emergency, children are encouraged to use safety strategies and personal networks.
The school’s evacuation plan ensures that all staff and students are well briefed on how to act in either a lockdown or evacuation emergency. In the event of any decision to evacuate, lockdown or vary the normal routine, our first priority is to ensure the safety of the children, and then to inform parents as quickly as possible. It should be stressed that these are emergency procedures only and there is no suggestion that they will be required. AIS, however, conducts regular evacuation and lockdown drills to ensure that the process can operate smoothly.
All students are expected to wear the correct AIS uniform and be neat and well-groomed. Unless otherwise specified, students are expected to wear their uniform at all times when attending school or representing the school. The appropriate Physical Education uniform should be worn for all such lessons and sporting events.
注意: バティックシャツの下にTシャツを着用すろ場合は、常にシャツからはじでることがないように整える。長髪の児童は、きちんと結びつける必要があります。